Tuesday, February 1, 2011

$1 Sketch Commissions - Block 2

1 Dollar Sketches - JD by *juniorbruce on deviantART

Here's another block of quick sketches. I'm doing these in between the big projects I'm working on...sort of as a breather. It's easy to get frustrated or antsy when working on the same thing for too long, so to be able to bust these out here and there is pretty nice, and refreshing.

If anyone was wondering, these are taking me roughly five minutes at a time...if that. Cool beans.

Back to work!

$1 Sketch Commissions

1 Dollar Sketches - Juice by *juniorbruce on deviantART

I never posted anything about it on the blog last time, but about a month or two ago I did a round of $1.00 Sketch Commissions. Basically, you give me a dollar, I give you a sketch (digital commission, and very quick). This is to both incentivize drawing all the time, plus earns me a little extra money...not much, but every bit helps, y'know? Anyway, the first round went fairly well, so I'm doing it again. The above image is the first block of finished sketches from this round.

If you want to get in on this, I ask that you please visit my deviantArt journal post on the topic, as I've laid everything out there. You can read it right here!

In other news, still swamped with projects. Currently doing turnarounds for a cartoon project I can't talk about. Just wrapped up doing concept work for a video game project I can't talk about. And I'm still putting the final touches on my soon to be art book, as well as trying to put together some prints, and original artwork to sell at the cons I'll be attending this year. So far I think I'm scheduled to be at Emerald City Comicon (in Seattle), WonderCon (in San Francisco), and San Diego Comicon (in...well, San Diego).

All of that when I'm not at the day job, hanging with the wife, or corrupting my daughter with all of my whacko humor and thoughts. I wish the days were longer...and that I could learn to run on no sleep. Oh well...

Back to work!